We pride ourselves in being job matching experts… there is so much more to the job matching process than just matching a CV with a job spec: finding a good job match once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean the placement was successful. The REAL question is – quality of hire? The contractor may be eager to start their new job and only a few days in, when both the hiring manager and the new contractor realise that the skills and experience promised on paper and in the job interview, doesn’t REALLY match the job specification, duties and on-the-job-skills.
Candidate personalities and company culture can easily be mismatched if not presented correctly during the interview phase. This all relates back to the Job Matching Process.
MASA’s employment process is started with an in-depth needs analysis of our employing client’s workforce needs.
Doing a job needs analysis is a rigorous process our recruitment agency uses to gather all the necessary information about the required skills, qualifications, experience, emotional attributes and mental capabilities for an individual to perform the job. Next, we gather a thorough understanding of the duties, responsibilities and work environment.
A lot of energy is spent on arriving at a detailed job specification in order to offer our clients the best talent that meets their expectations.
We aim to identify individuals who will add value to the client’s business by matching their abilities and aspirations with the employer’s culture and values. MASA’s ultimate role is to identify, attract, select and retain the best talent to meet the specific needs of our clients.