5 top tips for finding the right outsourcing agency
Whether you are looking to solve staffing issues or payroll maintenance, develop a new and more effective business strategy, or just becoming become more efficient all-around – the truth is there is a lot to take care of, and this is where finding the right outsourcing agency comes in.
But truth be told, you will only find out how good they are after you have used them. So, what do you need to know when choosing the best outsourcing agency to partner with you?
1. Money talks, business walks
When you talk in pure business terms, an outsourcing solution needs to improve your business’s bottom line through reduced operational costs. If you don’t see this happening anytime soon, the chances are that you’ll end up spending more than you end up saving.
You don’t need to be an expert analyst to figure out where you’re heading. All you’ve got to see is whether outsourcing will help you reduce a significant amount of your monthly costs in hiring employees and equipment. At the same time, you will also need to balance the quality and quantity of the services provided by the outsourcing agency.
For instance, if you contemplate outsourcing your payroll, you need to calculate if carrying out this function internally takes up more resources and costs than outsourcing it. If the money makes sense, you are heading in the right direction.
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2. Is the price right?
We already discussed how cost-cutting by hiring talent in a low-price tag is one of the most common reasons companies outsource. You’ll get several agencies offering their resources at a competitive price.
However, instead of going for the cheapest outsourcing solution, do a little bit of shopping around. Compare and find out what are you going to get from other agencies as well.
For instance, some outsourcing agencies will also offer customer support at no extra charge, which is a great deal. Remember, however, that although the price is an essential factor, it should not be the ONLY factor that helps you zero in on a decision.
3. Are they on time?
Timeliness in outsourcing is as vital as the costs. The last thing you want is bottlenecks, as this can lead to missed deadlines, and but the money you intended to save could go out the window.
Just to save yourself the headache, make sure you brief your selected outsourcing agency as well as you can, and then there is no way it can backfire on you or be used as an excuse for poor work. You want your money to work for you, so you need to brief well and handle queries upfront.
Going back and forth with your outsourced service provider is a sure way to waste valuable time and dampen your overall productivity. The goal is to gain the most out of your partnership by reducing the time spent on the outsourced tasks and not the other way around.
4. Do your research
Before you sign on the dotted line, make a point of conducting in-depth research on your choice of outsourcing agencies. In today’s digital age, having an informative website that describes key offerings in detail is essential for any outsourcing agency. It is one of the easiest ways to contact them directly, and if they don’t have a website, this may be a signal to find another company.
Do some digging and find more information about the outsourcing agency, the infrastructure, safety practices and the team that works there. Find a reference who has worked with the agency before and ask how their experience was. These practices will help you assess the service providers’ reliability and ensure that you choose the right outsourcing agency for the job.
5. Put a face to a name
You can’t just have blind faith in the outsourcing agency for hire, even if you’re saving significantly by hiring them. Find out all that you can, including the team members who’ll be working on the projects and who’ll lead that team.
Contact the prospected agencies directly to learn more about the people behind the solution. Setting up a meeting with their HR or sales representative is a crucial step to take once you have narrowed down your list of outsourcing agencies.
If you can, visit one of their branches to do some in-field research. You can learn a lot from how their staff treats you as a random walk-in prospect, compared to how they treat you over the phone or in a video call.
Set a high standard
Lastly, if you find that the company has inadequate quality control measures or does not have any backup plan for missed deadlines, it is better not to hire them at all. If they fail to present promptly and consistently in to your initial meetings or fail to meet the earliest deadlines of the project, it is better to cut your losses sooner than later down the line.
The most effective way to solve your human resource problems is with the right multi-service human solutions group. MASA is a leading national and international employment and staffing agency that is here to support, empower and drive your business forward.
Visit our website today for a comprehensive idea of what we do, and contact us to take the next step towards your ideal outsourcing solution.