Should I quit my job?

We’ve all had moments when we’ve considered quitting our job. The most important thing to note is that nobody else can tell you whether you should quit or not. Only you can do that. But maybe we can give you some things to think about to help you to come to the right decision.

Pros and Cons

The first thing to do is define exactly what is going wrong for you. Create a list of pros and cons. Try to define exactly what the problem/s are. And also think about what you like about your job.

Do you hate your boss / manager / supervisor? Remember that bosses don’t have to be nice. A manager who is hard on you can be good for you. There is plenty you can learn from someone who is not always friendly to you. Sometimes having someone be hard on you can be a good thing. We sometimes need people to be hard on us in order to learn valuable lessons. So, is this person teaching you something, or are they just awful?

Apart from your boss, is there a toxic work culture? Are your co-workers nice to each other, or are they horrible? Do people help each other, or go out of their way to hurt each other? Is there racism, sexism or other discrimination at work? Do you have to stop yourself from speaking up all the time in order to keep your job?

Are you finding that you are bringing negativity and stress home from work? Do you come home crying and / or angry regularly? Do you feel stressed and unhappy at the thought of going to work? Do you call in sick just because you can’t handle the thought of going in today? Are you taking your stress out on your family and friends?

Are you bored? Have you stopped learning anything? Do you feel there is no chance of promotion? Have you asked for a promotion or a change of job? Are you stuck in a rut? Are there opportunities for you to move horizontally to a different department? Would that make it better?

Could it be that your job doesn’t align with your priorities and values? Does the company’s social or environmental policies not line up with your values? Do you feel like a hypocrite? Have you tried bringing the company into line with your beliefs?

How can we help?

What is Measured Ability?

Measured Ability is a Recruitment Agency and Labour Broker / Outsourcer, providing staff for all industries all over South Africa and into Africa and the Middle East. Let us manage your staffing requirements, whether that is permanent or temporary, blue collar or white collar, from general workers to CEOs.


Can you fix it?

Once you have defined what the problems are, think hard about how you could solve those problems.

  • Is it possible to do something about the problems you are having?

  • Could you bring the company in line with your values?

  • Would a promotion, or move to a different department solve your problems?

  • Do you hate your job but love the company?

  • Could you move away from the toxic person/s who are making your life awful?

  • If you haven’t made any attempt to solve the problems you are having, are you sure you really need to move?

Look around

Sometimes it can help to put yourself out there, and see what other options are available. Get your CV up to date, perhaps load it up onto our recruitment database and we’ll contact you if any suitable positions come in. Look at the other jobs out there that you are qualified for. Can you get the salary you are getting now at another company? Are there interesting positions that you could apply for that would give you more motivation and enjoyment?

Be careful not to make it too obvious that you are looking around. Sometimes your present employer can get upset if they know you are not planning on sticking around.

Also remember that moving around too much doesn’t look good for prospective employers. Try and choose your jobs wisely to make sure you are not moving every few months. Most employers don’t want to hire employees who are unlikely to stick around.

How can we help?

What is Measured Ability?

Measured Ability is a Recruitment Agency and Labour Broker / Outsourcer, providing staff for all industries all over South Africa and into Africa and the Middle East. Let us manage your staffing requirements, whether that is permanent or temporary, blue collar or white collar, from general workers to CEOs.


Freelancing / Side hustles / Entrepreneurship

Do you even want a job? Can you get by as a freelancer, start a side hustle or even start your own business? Will you never be happy working for someone else?

Just remember that working for yourself is not easy. You need to motivate yourself. There are no sick days, and nobody to make sure that you do the work you are supposed to be doing. Is there even a big enough market? Can you get enough clients to support yourself? Starting your own business is extremely difficult. Most companies fail within the first couple of years, and often the business owner ends up working long hours, and paying themselves very little for the first few years.

Is it possible to try and build up a client base on the side, while staying with your current job? This is not easy and the long hours might negatively affect your ability to do your current job, but it is safer to build up a side business while still receiving a salary. It just means you can’t give all of your focus to either job. Quitting your present job without building up your side hustle first could leave you with nothing if the side hustle doesn’t work out.

How can we help?

What is Measured Ability?

Measured Ability is a Recruitment Agency and Labour Broker / Outsourcer, providing staff for all industries all over South Africa and into Africa and the Middle East. Let us manage your staffing requirements, whether that is permanent or temporary, blue collar or white collar, from general workers to CEOs.


Should I quit?

I hope we’ve given you some things to think about. Just remember that not everybody loves their job, and wakes up excited for another day at the office.

Most of us just tolerate our jobs and use them as a means of giving us the things we need in life and to provide for our families.

Sure there are people who love their jobs and couldn’t think of doing anything else, but these people are few and far between. You don’t have to love your job. But if it is making you sick, angry or depressed and there is nothing you can do to improve it, then it might be time to look around. But don’t make the mistake of quitting without a plan, and end up with a bigger problem.

How can we help?

What is Measured Ability?

Measured Ability is a Recruitment Agency and Labour Broker / Outsourcer, providing staff for all industries all over South Africa and into Africa and the Middle East. Let us manage your staffing requirements, whether that is permanent or temporary, blue collar or white collar, from general workers to CEOs.


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